The World is My Drum

If it is somewhat flat, somewhat hard and somewhat within reach, Scott will drum on it!! He has been given a little drum from grandparents, uses Dude's Rock band drums whenever possible, and uses (with skill) the metal chairs at chuch as a drumset every week. So, I pulled out some old pots and a wisk and let him loose! He loved the noise that the wisk made on the pots, and would bang bang bang, then look up with a HUGE grin on his face. He now goes straight to that cupboard all the time, and I have tripped over a pot on my kitchen floor more than once.
A funny thing about Scott not related to drums at all: Scott knows he has his dad wrapped around his finger. He knows this so well, in fact, that he uses it to his advantage. If he is in the backseat of the car, being taken somewhere against his will, he yells "dadada". If he is in his crib and doesnt want to be sleeping he yells "dadada". He knows the power of those words, and his dad goes for it every time! Smart little fella!
The next... I dunno... insert a famous drummer's name here!

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