When I ___, you ___, we _____

It all started at an un-named fast food place, when Scotty's daddy handed him a cup of ketchup and a fry....
It was love at first DIP
Now, nothing can be eaten unless it is dipped in something else. Apples: peanut butter, carrots: hummus or ranch, bread: spagetti sauce, soup, etc, grilled cheese: tomato soup, and most recently bread: water (cause there was nothing else for him to dip in, and it just HAD to be dipped!) basically what im saying is; everything: anything!!!

Pros: He will eat more veggies, he is content feeding himself, and its helping with his hand/eye coordination.
Cons: Learning hand/eye coordination.

3 baths a day, anyone???

1 comment:

Jenna Kae said...

ha ha ha! taboo is the best... and that song is awesome, we should find it somewhere.