Elmo vs Cars

I can't remember where he saw it first, but I think it was in the car on a roadtrip... and now he's hooked. As his mom, I could quote you the whole movie just from watching it with him. He prefers "Cars" to everything... even Elmo! (although, as you can see, it's not without the Elmo chair that he watches so intently) I got him all set up to watch one day, and even threw some popcorn into the mix this time... and he had to top it! His own additions in this picture are the bead necklace of mom's around his neck and the hat of dad's. The hat is so big that he had his neck tilted about as far as it tilts just so he could see past the brim of the hat.

One day, you're gonna ask him "what sound does a tractor make?" and he'll say "Moooo"

He has started calling everything a "Guck" this month... or Truck, for those of you that don't speak "Scott". He loves his dad's truck, will play with anything that has wheels as he says "guck, guck" and has shows no signs of trying to say "car" anytime soon. I think he's content with calling them trucks and arguing with me every time I correct him. The conversation goes something like this...
Scott: Guck!
Mom: No, thats a car.
Scott: Guck!
Mom: It's a car. Can you say car?
Scott: Guck!
Long pause as mom gives up...
Scott: Bloo!
Mom: No, its a red car.
Scott: Bloo!
.... you get it!

Love him!


Unknown said...

So funny!

Debbie Bori said...

He sounds exactly like his Daddy....LOL !!! I never could teach him anything...hahaha