It's official, I am mother to the cutest 2.5 year old kid this side of the Mississippi! The other side too, except I just don't know all that many 2.5 year olds on the east coast...
Recently, Scott is a fountain of knowledge. He knows he is 2 years old, and JUST mastered the fingers for it. So now when asked how old he is, he replies "two, like dis!" and shows you. With both hands. We won't tell him that's actually 4, or 22...
He knows his birthday, sings a list of songs on demand (current favorite: 3 little monkeys swinging from a tree, teasing Mr. Alligator... etc), and wants to know what everything is, where everyone is going, and when everything is going to happen. Seben o'clock is breakfast time, when I start to cook dinner he MUST help and immediately pulls up a chair, and he frequently enjoys tackling unsuspecting 7 month olds. Never a dull moment!
He knows his birthday, sings a list of songs on demand (current favorite: 3 little monkeys swinging from a tree, teasing Mr. Alligator... etc), and wants to know what everything is, where everyone is going, and when everything is going to happen. Seben o'clock is breakfast time, when I start to cook dinner he MUST help and immediately pulls up a chair, and he frequently enjoys tackling unsuspecting 7 month olds. Never a dull moment!
I will just add, as a disclaimer: Scott DOES attend time out, and is often seen following me around with the most practiced and expert "whine" you can imagine. It's not all flowers and rainbows... so don't come after me in my sleep. The good just outweighs the bad, and we both learn and grow every day!
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