CiCi's visit

The best part about coming home from Florida, was that my mom arrived in Phoenix 2 hours before we did, so the partying didnt have to stop (for me... Dude had to go back to work). Dude flew to UT the weekend before we went to FL and retrieved all of our furniture, and our house was a mess!! So my mom flew down to help me with Scott while i painted and got the house in order... well there wasnt much "house-ordering" til the last day because I was too busy enjoying her company and showing her my new town. We spent our days shopping (its amazing the bargains I can find when my personal shopper is with me, and we have 4 days of nonstop shopping), visiting, having lunches with friends, and just enjoying ourselves!! Finally we got some painting and decorating done yesterday, and the house is really starting to come together... We had a great time, and lots of the pictures I want to post are on an airplane back to UT right now, but I do have a few of Cici and Scott playing with Sam!! Thanks for visiting mom, we love you!!!!!

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