Scott has recently taken to animal noises of all shapes and sizes. Besides the previously shown fishy, these are a few musical stylings of Scott as a few of our furry pals!
The first, is a monkey. Would have been useful if he had started this BEFORE Halloween, but Ill take what I can get. We were feeding him bits of banana as we ate our dinner, and each time his mouth was empty he started to make grunting noises that reminded us very much of the noise a monkey makes. We have determined that Scott has discovered the origin of the monkey's language. When Monkey has no bananas, he grunts: allow Scott to demonstrate!
The next animal in our "Scott Zoo" is a lion. Scott has been a little under the weather this past week or so, and has aquired somewhat of a frog in his throat (add that to the list of animals, I guess). Well, he learned that because of this scratchy voice, he can roar just like a lion! He does it ALL the time, and its very entertaining; especially in restaurants, meetings, and church. I'd really rather this be a monster, and have scary hands accompany it one day... but we'll go with the jungle theme and let it be a Lion for now. He is one of the King's in this jungle known as my home...