
1. What is your husbands name? Albert James "Dude" Bori
2. How long have you been married? 3 and a half years
3. How long did you date? dated 7 months engaged for 3
4. How old is he? 26
5. Who eats sweets? We both do, but Im more addicted than he
6. Who said I love you first? Dude
7. Who is taller? Dude is 5' 10" Im 5'6
8. Who can sing better? we can both carry a tune, but would both say the other is better, im sure... so Dude is my answer
9. Who is smarter? This is not a question to promote marriage happiness, so i refuse to answer (ill take any votes, and i offer bribes when necessary) :)
10. Who does laundry? I do and I absolutely hate it!!
11. Who pays the bills? I do, Dude was the financial secretary on his mission, and somehow fulfilled his financial duty for the rest of his life :P
12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are standing at the foot of our bed it would be me.
13. Who mows the lawn? We have a lawn of deadness, but actually the last person to mow our weeds was ME!! Still working on some landscaping something or other...
14. Who cooks dinner? me... somedays the only thing I accomplish besides playing!
15. Who drives? Dude... he even opens the door for me!
16. Who is first to admit they are wrong? I am... unless you ask dude, but since you didnt... I am
17. Who kissed who first? Dude kissed me first
18. Who asked who out first? After tagging along on multiple of my dates with his roommate, Dude stepped in and asked me out. Guess his roomie wasnt interested :) Im glad, cause i got Dude out of it!
19. Who wears the pants? we share the pants... I wear them on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Dude gets them Tueday and on the weekends... dont want him to be embarrased in public with me in the pants!!! :P Seriously tho, we work together!

I tag Jess Olsen, Kami Luthy and Lauren Willis


Anthony and Rachel Orme said...

I'm glad you did this because it was fun reading about you and dude.

Lauren said...

I love this, i will do it but have never been tagged before...just copy and paste??