
Since November, we have had a family friend, Dave Stone, rooming with us while he works a job in Phoenix. His wife, Stacy, stayed in Utah to work and complete her cancer treatments. The plan was that Dave would work here in Phoenix for 6 months, til the company allowed transfers, at which time he would apply for a transfer to their Utah office.
It has been a blessing to our family to be able to help our friends, and Dave has been a rockstar babysitter, dish scrubber, and buddy to everyone!
It took Scott a while to warm up to the strange, huge man hanging around... but now hears a door open each morning and says "Dabe!", knows which car is his, which bathroom is his, and which chair at the dinner table is his.
We are happy to announce that Dave has the chance to get back to his wife sooner than expected, and will be heading home Feb 25. Stacy is mid chemo treatment, and she is in our prayers! We are excited to be sending her husband back to her, so that he can take care of her and be where he is needed!! God Bless the Stone Family!! We love you guys!!

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