Monkeys at the Zoo

I hadn't wanted to risk it, thinking that the zookeepers would catch on and I would be going home alone... but I decided to take my 2 monkeys to the Zoo! Luckily, they narrowly escaped being put into cages, and we all came home together!
It was a fun day!! Beautiful January weather in AZ, sunny and 65 degrees! The only problem: it was nap time...

Of COURSE, Monkey #2 HAD to sit on the tractor... which he insisted was a gator because of it's green color (Grampy will be proud to know the kid has green in his blood!)

This is where I was reminded, at the end of our zoo day, that there were no Gorillas at this zoo!! Luckily, the Orangutans and spider monkey exhibits were so cool I had to be face to face with a bronze gorilla to notice he had been missing from our day.
Test: can you tell which hairy beast is the bronze gorilla, and which one I got to bring home with me??

It was such a fun family outing! Scott thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the animals. Particularly a pigeon eating some fallen popcorn. Scott chased that bird around, but the bird would not give in (he really wanted that poocorn) so mommy and daddy spend a good 3 minutes watching this chase scene before realizing WE SHOULD BE FILMING THIS... just as the pigeon gave up! Scotty won, and we didn't get any footage. Trust me tho, it was cute!

And no, walking the zoo all afternoon did NOT put mommy into labor!

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