Dressed to Kill

The tie is too big. Who cares, its cute.

The knot at his chin was so big that his collar wouldn't stay folded down. Who cares, its cute.

He needs to wear pants that aren't elastic before I can justify tucking his shirt in. We tried it, not so cute.
He's turning into a boy. Where is my baby Scott? It's a good thing he's cute.

He has started asking for "hair cuts". Every time, we correct him and then he asks for a "hair do", but it always starts the wrong way. Imagine if we gave him a hair cut every time he asked. Not so cute.

Remember that saying "ain't ain't a word and you ain't supposed to say it. Say "ain't" 5 times and you ain't goin to heaven."? I feel like someone could say this about me and the word cute in this blog... but really, can you blame me!?

Ain't this smile the cutest cute thing you've ever seen??
I hate to brag, but I make CUTE kids! Ain't that the truth!?


Scott+Tiffany said...

haha, agreed, super cute kids! I love the part about the elastic pants

Jenna Kae said...

go away!

just joking. it's a good thing your kids are so cute! :)